23 - 26 October 2014

FIAC 2014

Jagna ciuchta

We are hollow,
we are paintings,
we are meek,
we are edible.
Une installation de Jagna Ciuchta


At the invitation of Florence Loewy the artist Jagna Ciuchta will show We are hollow, we are paintings, we are meek, we are edible, an installation based on the bookshelf sculpture she designed for her earlier exhibitions, Paysage avec large rivière I and II, in June and July 2014 at Florence Loewy.

The piece is a ‘receptacle-artwork’, an invitation to the work of other artists, hosting an eclectic selection of multiples or unique pieces of artwork by artists working with Florence Loewy from her beginnings. Thus, the project celebrates a link between very young  and established artists weaved over time.

Born in Poland in 1977, Jagna Ciuchta has developed a process-based work re-interpreting forms stemming from the exhibition (scenography, photographic documentation). Her work creates environments for other artists’ work challenging the borderline between collaboration and appropriation.